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MSF & 360Conferences present

Arts & Labor

Nick Urata

of DeVotchKa


We are proud to launch our maiden art + education program where guests discuss the real-real of being the world and work of Arts & Labor.  A&L features artist as they examine the universal realities of being freelance professionals and creative entrepreneurs in this new working world.  


Our first event features a modern music and film polymath, Nick Urata of DeVotchKa.  Nick not only fronts one of the most craft-foward indie bands, but has scored for film and tv, including: LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, RUBY SPARKS, and A SERIOUS OF  FORTUNATE EVENTS; as well as orchestral and stage performance across the world. 


Join us to hear his account and career in his own words; and, possibly, in song.  Nick, as all of our guests, reminds us that artists are ultimately freelance, for better and for worse. 

It's FREE and we have free pre-event gathering with FREE redbull from RedBull and FREE beer from Ratio Beerworks of Denver.

6pm Pre-Event w/FREE Redbull and Ratio Beerworks Denver

7pm Event


monday DECEMBER 10, 2018

MSF & The Denver Film Society present


John Grant


We are thrilled to partner with The Denver Film Society & General Assembly to present our acclaimed discussion series In:Pictures where artists from the worlds of film, music, literature, art and culture share and explore three films that have most-shaped their life, their work, and their art. 


Featured in this session is a polymathic singer, writer, musician, and driving force of Denver iconoclasts The Czars, John Grant.  Join us as John revisits the films that have turned his corners and continue to resonate as the frontiers of his art expand with each new work.  John is an international creator who returns to the artistic home where he cut both his teeth and his taste - Denver - a region of the world that remains a prism for how and why he creates. 


And his love of cinema is stuff of legion.

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